Архив постов: September 2018

History 1. “In the artist’s studio” (for children from 7 to 12 years)

September 28, 2018

The purpose of the lesson: to introduce the profession of an artist, professional materials and tools.

A short film tells about the profession of the artist, about where and how he works, what is in his studio. A fascinating workshop in the “question-answer” format will consolidate the knowledge gained.

Young “experts” will learn about the features of tools and materials for painting, and works from the museum will help to get acquainted with the basics of pictorial techniques.

During the practical part, the guys will work with oil pastels, achieving complex combinations of shades by mixing colors. The result of the work will be works on an arbitrary topic, which will serve as wonderful souvenirs, reminders of the visit to the museum, since participants will take all the works with them.

Time for classes: September – October.

Classes are held for organized groups (from 10 to 30 people) by preliminary application by phone: 255-50-81 (Wed – Sun).

Days for classes: Wednesday – Saturday.
Duration: 90 minutes.
The cost of the lesson for one person is 250 rubles.

Press conference with participants of the 7th Academic Plein Air “At the Motherland I.N. Kramskoy »

September 24, 2018

September 20, 2018 in the VOKHM them. I.N. Kramskoy held a press conference on the start of the 7th Academic Plein Air “At the Home of I.N. Kramskoy »

Opening the press conference, the main curator of the museum Elena Pshenitsyna greeted all those present and told about the expected events.

The head of the department of professional art and art education of the Department of Culture of the Voronezh region Alena Sergeeva spoke about the importance and significance of the academic open air, as well as the enormous creative potential of artists who are taking part in the event this year.

Director of the Voronezh Art School, Sergei Gulevsky, shared his expectations from the VII Academic Plein Air, dedicated to the life and work of outstanding personalities of Ostrogozhsk and Voronezh.

Member of the Presidium and Academician-Secretary of the Department of Decorative and Applied Arts of the Russian Academy of Arts, Lyubov Savelyeva presented the book “The Voronezh Inspired Land” and presented diplomas to the present artists involved in the design of this publication.

The museum hosted a master class “Bright Autumn”

September 24, 2018

On September 23, the museum hosted a master class for children from 7 years old and their parents “Bright Autumn”. Under the leadership of Lyudmila Kashirsky, the participants created autumn landscapes made of wool in the technique of dry felting.

As a result, the participants took with them “woolen” paintings, framed in frames, which undoubtedly became a perfect reminder of the visit to the museum.

On the Day of the City the museum hosted a master class

September 17, 2018

September 15, 2018, on City Day, the museum hosted a master class dedicated to the art of engraving.

During the lesson, under the direction of Denis Bulavintsev, the Voronezh artist, the participants learned about the stages of the development of printed graphics, the features of various graphic techniques and the nuances of selecting materials, got acquainted with the definitions of “high” and “deep” printing, as well as the creativity of artists who created illustrations in technology engraving.

In addition, the artist has already demonstrated ready-made author’s boards, from which all participants were able to print postcards on this printing press.

The master class was aimed at both practicing masters and beginners, who want to get acquainted with the art of engraving in practice.

The exhibition «People and things. To the 100th anniversary of VGU»

September 14, 2018

13 September 2018 at the VOHM. I. N. Kramskoy inaugurated the exhibition “People and things. The 100th anniversary of the VGU”, dedicated to two significant dates – the 85th anniversary of WOHM them. I. N. Archaeology and the 100th anniversary of VGU.

The ceremony began with the student anthem “Gaudeamus” performed by the choir of students of the College of music. Rostropovich’s.

“Two dates, but one common history” – these words began his speech leading the ceremony – head.exposition and exhibition Department of the Museum Olga Ryabchikova. She told about the history of the appearance in Voronezh of one of the best Russian universities – Yuriev University, which included the Museum of antiquities and fine arts, which became the link between the art Museum and the Voronezh University. Olga Alexandrovna noted that the name of the exhibition “People and things” is symbolic, as the exhibition not only shows the items that were part of the University Museum, but also tells about the people who collected and stored these things and thanks to which they are presented today at the anniversary exhibition.

The head of the Department of professional art and art education of the Department of culture of the Voronezh region Alena Sergeeva congratulated all those present with the opportunity to take part in an extraordinary event. She noted that the exhibition is unique not only because it is dedicated to two bright dates, but also because it presents truly unique items, many of which are presented to the General public for the first time in a century. Alena Viktorovna expressed confidence that the exhibition will arouse great interest from visitors and strengthen the ties between the Museum and the University. Special thanks were given to the management and staff of the Museum for their high professionalism and active participation in the cultural activities of the region.

The rector of VGU Dmitry endovitsky addressed the audience with a welcoming speech, having told about events of 1918 when the provincial city of Voronezh received really Imperial gift-the European University with strong traditions, teachers and collections. Dmitry Alexandrovich stressed that it is difficult to overestimate the influence of the University on the urban environment, because it is very large, and that the University is proud of being the genetic ancestor of the art Museum. I. N. Kramskoy.

Among the speakers were also the head of the Department of culture of Voronezh Andrey Kharitonov and Professor Bronislav Tabachnikov, who joined the congratulations and addressed the anniversaries a lot of warm words.

The Museum also received congratulatory addresses from the state Russian Museum and the Russian Academy of arts.

The opening ended with a curatorial tour of one of the sections of the exposition devoted to the history Of the Museum of antiquities and fine arts, which was conducted by the scientific Secretary of the Museum Natalia Bakina.

The exhibition will run until 18 November 2018.

Opening of the exhibition of the all-Russian student plein air ” at home I. N. Kramskoy»

September 18, 2018

September 14, 2018 in VOHM them. I. N. The Grand opening of the exhibition of works of the participants of the all-Russian student plein air “in the homeland Of I. N. Kramskoy.”

Opening the solemn part, the head. the exposition and exhibition Department of the Museum Olga Ryabchikova welcomed all those present and said that the exhibition at the end of the open air has become a good tradition and it is looking forward to visitors. Olga Alexandrovna noted that the “geography” of participants has expanded this year, in addition, in contrast to previous years, the current exhibition presents not only student work, but also the work of teachers.

Director of the Voronezh art school Sergey Gulevsky shared his impressions of the exhibition, congratulated everyone on the opening and noted the uniqueness of the format of this exhibition.

Curator of the project, artist Konstantin Finakov stressed the originality and diversity of the works presented in the exhibition, explaining this youth, dedication and effort of students participating in the open air.

Director of Ostrogozhskaya children’s art school. I. N. Archaeology Svetlana Ustinova thanked the organizers of the plein air for the most gifted students an atmosphere of creativity and the opportunity to participate in the open air.

The winner of the student plein air, who took first place-Alina Golod (3rd year student of the Department of” Painting ” of the Voronezh art school) told about the amazing beauty of the Voronezh area and about her inspiration when working on competitive works.

The exhibition will run until September 30, 2018.

Master-class on painting the bas-relief in City Park “Grad”

September 10, 2018

On September 8, in the City Park “Grad” employees of the VOKHM named after. I.N. Kramskoy held a master class on painting the plaster bas-relief “Imitation of the ancient Egyptian bas-relief with the image”.

The lesson was held within the framework of the interregional exhibition-sale of painting, graphics, sculpture and decorative art items “Art-Voronezh”.

The museum was made by a professor at the Japanese University

September 10, 2018

September 8, 2018 in the VOKHM them. I.N. Kramskoy lectured professor of the University of Kumamoto-Gakuen (Japan) Jetaro Ota.

This event was timed to the finale of the exhibition of Varvara Bubnova “The Palette of Life”, which opened in the framework of the Year of Japan in Russia, and was exhibited in the Art Museum named after. I.N. Kramskoy from August 3 to September 9, 2018.

The lecture titled “Varvara Bubnova: Japanese pages in the biography of the artist” introduced the audience to the personality of the artist, her work, and many interesting facts from her life in Japan, where she is remembered and appreciated to this day.

Jotaro Ota communicated with the public without the help of an interpreter, as the professor speaks fluent Russian. The lecturer answered the guests’ questions with pleasure, and gave an interview to the Voronezh media.

Participation of the museum in the festival “My City – My Possibilities”

September 6, 2018

September 5 VOKHM them. I.N. Kramskoy participated in the first city festival “My City – My Possibilities”. The museum site was working in the children’s park “Eaglet”.

Everyone was able to learn about the museum, exhibitions and museum classes, received answers to interesting questions about museum activities in general.

The guests of the park took part in the lesson, during which they were able to invent, draw and decorate the template of the art museum, and got acquainted with the pictures of the art museum, by searching for the missing fragments of reproductions of paintings from the museum’s collection.

Many were able to try on the images presented on the art canvases of the museum exposition, photographed with “Revived masterpieces”.

“For fidelity to the traditions of realistic art”

September 4, 2018

September 3 at the VOKHM them. I.N. Kramskoy held an annual awarding of diplomas to students of art faculties of universities of the city “For fidelity to the traditions of realistic art”.

This event was held in the framework of a joint project of the Council of Rectors of the Voronezh Region universities, the newspaper “Vuzovskiy Vestnik” and the Voronezh Regional Art Museum named after VG Kuznetsov. I.N. Kramskoy.

In addition to diplomas, each student was awarded a book about the work of Peter Sholokhov “The Artist’s Eyes”.

During the awarding, the students-diplomats told about themselves, submitted works, further creative plans and thanked for the award.

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