Архив постов: October 2018

Winter day

October 31, 2018

Grabar Igor Emmanuilovich
Creation period:
Material, technique:
canvas, oil
The size:
68.5×90.5 cm
Place of creation:
Number on MIC (KP):
Inventory number:

The head of a statue of a grandee

October 31, 2018

Creation period:
7-6 centuries. BC.
Material, technique:
The size:
12х12.5 cm
Place of creation:
Number on MIC (KP):
Inventory number:


History 2. “In the workshop of the sculptor” (for children from 7 to 12 years)

October 8, 2018

The purpose of the lesson: to form an idea of ​​sculpture, as a form of art.

The lesson will begin with an acquaintance with the museum, during which the children will learn about the main differences of the art museum from other museums, that the sculptural works are presented in the museum exhibition along with the paintings.

In the theoretical part of the lesson, the children will get acquainted with the concept of sculpture and the sculptor, get an idea of ​​the types, form and purpose of the sculpture, learn about the ways of its creation.

A trip to the museum’s permanent exhibition halls will acquaint participants with the multifaceted world of sculpture, embodied in the original Egyptian, ancient, Western European and Russian art, teach “to see” a work of art.

An important part of the lesson is practical work, which is aimed at the creative development of the personality, during which everyone will try himself as a sculptor, working with materials such as clay. All materials are provided by the museum, and participants take the finished work with them.

Time classes: November – December.

Classes are held for organized groups (from 10 to 30 people) according to preliminary requests by phone: 255-50-81 (cf. – Sun).

Days of classes: Wednesday – Saturday.
Lesson duration: 90 minutes.
The cost of classes for one person: 250 rubles.

History 3. “In the pottery workshop” (for children from 7 to 14 years old)

October 8, 2018

Purpose of the lesson: acquaintance with the collection of them. I.N. Kramskoy, obtaining knowledge about the culture of ancient Greek society, the formation of ideas about the forms of ancient vessels, their production technology and painting.

The lesson will begin with an acquaintance with the museum, during which the children will learn about the works of art displayed in the museum, including paintings, sculptures, ceramics, furniture and objects of decorative and applied arts.

During the theoretical part, children will learn about the potter’s profession, what tools the potter uses in his work, what his workshop looks like, what works are created in it and what are the steps to create a pottery product.

The exhibits of the department of ancient art will acquaint with the true masterpieces of ancient Greek ceramics, the characteristics of the purpose of vessels, their role and importance in public life, styles and patterns of painting.

In the practical part, participants will be asked to paint the silhouettes of ancient Greek vases, both arbitrarily and with the help of special stencils. The painting will be carried out using elements and color shades characteristic of vazopisi styles used in ancient Greece. Created work participants will take away from memory.

Time classes: January – March.

Classes are held for organized groups (from 10 to 30 people) according to preliminary requests by phone: 255-50-81 (cf. – Sun).

Days of classes: Wednesday – Saturday.
Lesson duration: 90 minutes.
The cost of classes for one person: 250 rubles.

Animation workshop “Paper puppet”

October 29, 2018

October 28 in VOKHM them. I.N. Kramskoy passed the first master-class on animation from the series “Myself a Multiplier” (for children from 8 years old and their parents).

At the “Paper Puppet” lesson, led by Olesya Skorobogatova and Konstantin Kolgushkin, teachers at the Telescope studio, participants learned about the history and techniques of animation, the basic principles of creating a film and an animated character. Also, novice multipliers were able to shoot their animated sketches.

Linocut master class

October 29, 2018

October 28 in VOKHM them. I.N. Kramskoy held a master class on the creation of black and white linocut.

The lesson was intended both for beginning artists who are interested in engraving and for artists who want to deepen their knowledge and skills in this direction.

During the master class under the guidance of graphic artist Denis Bulavintsev, the participants became acquainted with the history of the appearance of printed graphics, techniques and expressive means used in this kind of art.

Each participant was able to create their own image on linoleum and print it on a real printing machine and take the work received home.

The Museum held a lecture on the didactic role of Museum collections

October 26, 2018

October 25, 2018 in VOHM them. I. N. Kramskoy in the framework of the educational program held a lecture ” Didactic role of the collections of the Museum of antiquities and fine arts of the Dorpat / Yuriev / Voronezh University.”
The lecture was delivered by doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of publishing WHD — Mary K. Popov.

In the museum performed folk ensemble “Terem” VSU

October 22, 2018

October 20, in the framework of the educational program implemented in the VOKM them. I.N. Kramskoy in the period of the exhibition “People and things. On the 100th anniversary of the VSU ”, a concert of the folklore ensemble of the VSU“ Terem ”was held.

The participants of the lecture-concert program “Traditional Clothes of Voronezh Peasants” learned about the peculiarities of the folk costume of the Voronezh Province, got acquainted with fragments of the rites and heard ancient songs performed by the Terem ensemble of the Voronezh State University (artistic director of the ensemble is ethnomusicologist Galina Hristova).

Saturday in VOHM them. I.N. Kramskoy

October 22, 2018

October 20, 2018 VOKM employees I.N. Kramskoy took part in the citywide cleanup.

During the work day the following work was carried out:
– cleaning of foliage and grass from the lawn;
– cleaning of the adjacent territory, asphalt and paved tiles;
– lubrication of hinges and locks of all gates;
– cleaning the blind area and the foundation of the main building of the museum;
– cleaning the foliage of the drainage gutter of the drain around the perimeter of the main building;

A total of 19 museum staff took part in the cleanup.

Lecture “Rare editions in the library of the Voronezh State University”

October 19, 2018

In the framework of the exhibition project “People and things. On the 100th anniversary of VSU ”on October 18 in the VOKHM im. I.N. Kramsky held a lecture “Rare publications in the library of the Voronezh State University.”

The lecturer was a library scientist, bibliologist, teacher, head of the rare books department of the zonal library of the Voronezh State University – Galina Lantsuzskaya.

The next lecture will be held on October 25 at 18.30.
The topic of the lecture was “The didactic role of the collections of the Museum of Antiquities and Fine Arts of Dorpat / Yuryevsk / Voronezh University” (16+).
Lecturer: Doctor of Philology, Professor, Department of Publishing, Voronezh State University – Maria Konstantinovna Popova.

Record by phone: 255-38-67.
The cost of an adult ticket to a lecture is 100 rubles.
Entrance for students – free (upon presentation of student card).

Full list of educational activities https://mkram.ru/en/2018/09/28/the-educational-program-within-the-framework-of-the-exhibition-people-and-things-to-the-100th-anniversary-of-vsu/

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