Dear friends!
We inform you that on September 2 (Friday) the photo exhibition “Voronezh Region – Peter the Great’s Land” will be closed for technical reasons. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you have already purchased an electronic ticket and planned to visit the exhibition on this day, you can either RETURN the TICKET or come on any other convenient day. Tickets will be valid until the end of the exhibition.
We remind you that on September 3 (Saturday) at 14:00 there will be a lecture by V.A. Golub “Photographing the landscape” and a curatorial tour of the exhibition. Read more here.
On August 25, on the second floor of the exhibition hall of the Voronezh Regional Art Museum named after I.N. Kramskoy, the opening of the exhibition “Voronezh Region – the land of Peter I” took place.
The event was attended by the museum administration, the authors of the exhibition – graduates of the Vladimir Golub Photography School, members of the Voronezh Fotum photo club – and numerous photography enthusiasts.
The exhibition, dedicated to the 350th anniversary of the birth of Peter I, was opened by Acting director of the museum Yulia Zaichenko and the head of the author’s Photo School, the Photographic Center and the Fotum photo Club Vladimir Golub. Yulia Nikolaevna greeted the guests and expressed her gratitude to the participants of the exhibition.
Vladimir Alexandrovich noted that the landscapes of the Voronezh Region and the name of Peter the Great are inextricably linked. And first of all, these are the magnificent expanses of the Don River. The curator shared that it is very difficult to photograph a good landscape, to take a photo that would not be fleeting. And he is very glad that there are real masters among the students of the Fotum photo club.
Vladimir Golub noticed that the exhibition is a melody. And each work included in the exhibition is a note. And just as you can collect completely different melodies from notes, so you can form exhibitions that are different from each other from photographs. Vladimir Alexandrovich expressed hope that the melody called “Voronezh Region – Peter the Great’s land” will appeal to all guests.
The exhibition presents 42 photographs of Voronezh photographers.
On September 3, at 14:00, a large lecture by Vladimir Golub “Landscape Photography” (16+) will be held in the museum, where the master will discuss with the guests the technique of photography, its composition, the main mistakes of inexperienced photographers, the secrets of photo processing and presentation of finished work in interiors. At the end of the event, a curatorial tour of the exhibition “Voronezh Region – Peter the Great’s Land” will take place. Details and tickets are here.
The exhibition will last until September 11.
September 25 at 12:00 I.N. Kramskoy VOHM invites you to the master class “One in the field is not a warrior” (10+).
During the lesson, participants will learn about the course and historical significance of the great battle – the Battle of Kulikovo. Get acquainted with the works that reflect this event.
And during the creative part of the lesson, participants will be invited to fantasize about the key characters of the fateful battle and draw a portrait of the hero.
Olga Remez, senior researcher of the museum, artist, conducts a master class.
Duration – 120 minutes.
The cost is 400 rubles.
All materials are provided. You take the finished work with you.
September 11 at 12:00 I.N. Kramskoy VOHM invites you to a master class “Squirrel on a plate” (8+).
The participants of the class will see bas-reliefs of the Russian artist, medallist and sculptor Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy from the museum’s collection. Then the guests will get acquainted with the main features of classicism; learn about such concepts as form and counterform, about the varieties of relief. And in the practical part of the lesson, participants will make a man-made masterpiece that can be presented to friends, relatives, or decorate the interior of their home with it.
Olga Remez, senior researcher of the museum, artist, conducts a master class.
Duration – 120 minutes.
The cost is 400 rubles.
All materials are provided. You take the finished work with you.
September 3 at 14.00 Voronezh Regional Art Museum. I.N. Kramskoy invites everyone (from 16 years old) to Vladimir Golub’s lecture “Landscape Photography”.
Immediately after the lecture, Vladimir Golub’s author’s tour of the photo exhibition “The Voronezh Land – the Land of Peter the Great” will take place.
The lecture will tell about the features of the genre, equipment for landscape photography, where, when and how best to photograph landscapes. Let’s talk in detail about the technical aspects of landscape photography, the compositional, lighting and color scheme of the image. Let’s analyze the typical mistakes made by photographers when shooting landscapes. Let’s review the main methods and techniques of computer processing of landscape photographs. We will discuss the issues of applying creative author’s transformations of images, as well as the presentation of a photographic landscape in the interior. Recommendations for photography in extreme conditions will also be given.
Vladimir Alexandrovich Golub is the founder and head of the author’s Photo School, the Photographic Center and the Fotum Photo Club, the organizer of the FotumArt Art Photography Festivals, lectures, master classes, photo exhibitions, and photo contests. Author of 15 personal and participant of more than 80 collective photo exhibitions in Russia and abroad (in the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany), winner and laureate of many photo contests. Photo works were published in many publications, including special photographic ones (magazines “Foto&Video”, “Digital Camera”, “Photomasterskaya”, etc.). Author’s works are in the Voronezh Regional Art Museum, in private collections in Austria, Great Britain, Germany, Israel and other countries.
The duration of the lecture is 2.5 hours.
Ticket price – 150 rubles.
Attention! A ticket to the lecture also gives you the opportunity to visit the photo exhibition and Vladimir Golub’s author’s tour.
Available with the Pushkin card.
The number of tickets is limited. Tickets online only.
September 1 at 16.00 VOHM them. I.N. Kramskoy invites you to the master class “Branch with Oranges”.
At the master class, participants (12+) will create a watercolor work depicting a decorative fragment of a still life by Danish artist Johann Lorenz Jensen, whose work is on display in the museum’s permanent exhibition.
The master class is conducted by the senior researcher of the museum, artist Irina Lepekhina.
Duration – 120 minutes.
The cost is 400 rubles.
ATTENTION! The master class will also take place on September 4, 17 and September 19 at 12.00.
Limited number of seats. Tickets online only.
Available with the Pushkin card.
On August 19, applications for the fourth special grant competition of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives will start, for which an additional
1 billion rubles has been allocated.
The projects submitted for the competition are educational, cultural and educational, which will be implemented throughout the country, as well as in the Donbas and in the liberated territories. They should correspond to the thematic areas: “Heroes of Donbass are Heroes of Russia”, “We do not abandon our own”, “We are proud”, “We are together”, “New opportunities”, “Cultural code”.
Applications will be accepted from August 19 to September 12, 2022, you can submit your creative projects through the information system of the Cultural Initiative Foundation website.The winners, according to the regulations, are scheduled to be determined no later than October 31, 2022. The project implementation dates are from August 19, 2022 to December 31, 2023, so the duration of the winners’ projects can be up to 16 months.
Non-profit organizations, including municipal ones (with the exception of state institutions, state corporations, state companies, political parties, municipal state institutions), commercial organizations, and individual entrepreneurs can apply for support.
Recall that during its work – since June 2021 – the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives has held five competitions: two main and three special. According to the results of the selections, more than 3 thousand projects in the field of culture, art and creative (creative) industries were supported for a total amount of more than 8 billion rubles.
During the application campaigns of the first three special competitions, 2,640 projects totaling 7.3 billion rubles were received from applicants from 80 regions. As a result, 172 projects from 50 regions received grant support in the amount of 991 million rubles. Projects were adopted related to the popularization and preservation of the all-Russian cultural identity, countering the “abolition of culture”, strengthening traditional Russian spiritual and moral values in the face of sanctions pressure, supporting collectives and cultural figures who have become objects of sanctions pressure for their patriotism and devotion to the country.
As part of the celebration of the beginning of the new academic year, during which new books will come into being, the Voronezh Regional Art Museum named after I.N. Kramskoy invites children (from 7 years old) to the master class “Time to learn”.
Dates: 1 and 3 September at 12.00.
Under the guidance of artist Olga Remez, we will create a bookmark with a secret using the collage technique.
In the work, we will use quotes from our favorite writers or act as the authors of our message to the person to whom we want to give a bookmark. With such unusual bookmarks, you will want to open the book even more often.
All materials are provided. Take your finished work with you.
Duration – 90 minutes.
The cost is 400 rubles.
Available with the Pushkin card.
Limited number of seats. Tickets online only.
BUY A TICKET (for September 1)
BUY A TICKET (for September 3)
September 3 at the Voronezh Regional Art Museum. I. N. Kramskoy will open an exhibition of artworks by Fyodor Konyukhov “A Journey of a Lifetime”.
Fedor Filippovich Konyukhov is a traveler, a professional artist, a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, the Moscow Union of Artists (MAU), an academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, the author of more than three thousand paintings, a participant in Russian and international exhibitions.
“Lifelong Journey” is the result of the famous traveler’s unique expeditions around the world. Residents and guests of Voronezh will be able to get acquainted with rare exhibits of the collection of 60 paintings and graphic works made in various artistic genres and techniques. The chronology of works covers three decades of Fyodor Filippovich’s wanderings around the globe – from early works painted in the 1970s and 80s to paintings created in the 2000s and 2020s. These are plot paintings and portraits, animalistic motifs and free landscape improvisations, large-scale, expressive, marked by the conventionality of the pictorial solution and sometimes gravitating towards pure abstraction. Most of the works were created by the artist during his travels around the world.
The exhibition, organized with the participation of Russia’s largest dairy holding EkoNiva Group, anticipates Fyodor Konyukhov’s next significant journey – the NOVA expedition. This is the first ever solo crossing of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans on a solar-powered catamaran. The main goal of the expedition is to study the degree of pollution of the world’s oceans with microplastic particles and draw the attention of the general public to this problem.
Sponsors of the NOVA expedition: GC EkoNiva, manufacturer of solar modules GC Hevel and the largest Russian manufacturer of agricultural machinery GC Rostselmash.
“I have been traveling since my youth and I have become convinced that the Lord God created our planet very beautiful: the ocean expanses of the Atlantic, the gray peaks of the Himalayas, the Gobi desert or the North Pole – wherever I go, I never cease to be inspired by the amazing beauties of our planet Earth. My work, paintings, lithographs, sculptures are a reflection of what I saw myself and what I want to share. I am very pleased that my friend Stefan Duerr supported the project of creating an innovative NOVA catamaran. I can’t wait until I can go out into the ocean, where I will do science and continue to make sketches for the next paintings.
Fedor Konyukhov, artist, traveler, navigator
“For EkoNiva and me personally, supporting the initiatives of the great Fyodor Filippovich Konyukhov has a special meaning. We wholeheartedly share his values and life principles. Therefore, we are glad to have the opportunity to participate in the implementation of the ideas and projects of the great traveler, which he implements in his expeditions. This is our common contribution to the future of the planet and the people who live on it!
Stefan Duerr, President of the EkoNiva Group of Companies.
Exhibition ticket prices:
Entrance ticket – 400 rubles.
Reduced admission ticket (schoolchildren, students, pensioners) – 200 rubles.
You can also buy a ticket using the Pushkin Card (online only).
Members of the Union of Artists (upon presentation of a certificate) – free of charge.
Photography: mobile devices, camera (without flash) – free of charge.
The exhibition will run at the museum until October 9, 2022.
Top photo: F.F. Konyukhov. To the limit.
September 1 at 16.00 in the Voronezh Regional Art Museum. I.N. Kramskoy will open the personal exhibition of Andrei Dubov “The World of Simple Things”.
Andrey Dubov is an artist who has his own deep philosophy, sets complex pictorial tasks and knows how to find their expressive solutions. The work of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Andrey Dubov is associated with the consistent development of the key categories of painting: color, composition, space. The range of topics, which was determined in the early stages of the artist’s work, is distinguished by constancy: it is a landscape, a still life, a portrait in an interior. Already in the years of study at the Moscow Polygraphic Institute under the guidance of the Full Member of the Russian Academy of Arts A.V. Vasnetsov, Andrei Dubov mastered the painting program of his mentor, the famous muralist, whose work became a bright and significant phenomenon in Soviet painting of the 1960-80s.
One of the cycles of Dubov’s works is dedicated to the beauty of the world of simple things that surround a person in everyday life. The author reveals the originality of habitual life, where in each picture a complex compositional and pictorial task is posed and purposefully solved, revealing new plastic and meaningful facets of the still life genre. This decision is also typical for works where the still life is organically included in the interior space. A special harmony of color solutions and constructiveness of the compositional system distinguishes his work. The chamber content of the master’s works, often devoted to ordinary and outwardly inconspicuous motifs, is embodied in a laconic, but always refined in its simplicity, pictorial language.
The exposition presents 31 works: landscapes, scenes in the interior, still lifes, which reveal the variety of pictorial motifs and the personal world of the author.
Exhibition ticket prices:
Entrance ticket – 150 rubles
Reduced admission ticket (schoolchildren, students, pensioners) – 100 rubles
You can also buy a ticket using the Pushkin card (online only)
Members of the Union of Artists (upon presentation of a certificate) – free of charge
Photography: mobile devices, camera (without flash) – free of charge
The exhibition will run until October 09, 2022.
Photo from the author’s archive.