Архив постов: December 2018

Children’s New Year holidays in the museum

December 25, 2018

From 23 to 25 December 2018 in the VOKM them. I.N. Kramskoy passed Christmas trees.

The children performed creative tasks in an art workshop, traveled around the museum exposition and took part in a festive presentation at the New Year tree with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Cartoon on the results of the master class “Plasticine puppet” (0+)

December 25, 2018

A master class “Plasticine puppet” from the animation class “Myself a Multiplier” was held in the museum on November 18, 2018.

At the lesson, the participants got acquainted with the principles of creating a cartoon from plasticine, learned to visualize the cartoon characters in the format of a graphic script (storyboard) and “animate” them with the help of special imaging equipment.

The result of the master class was a cartoon based on the work of K.I. Chukovsky “Cockroach”.


Internet portal “Culture. Grants of Russia “

December 25, 2018

Portal “Culture. Grants of Russia ”contains information on the types and procedure for the provision of grants to support creative projects in the field of culture and art.

The portal regularly publishes information on current resources for grants in the field of culture, art and related areas. This resource contributes to the effectiveness of project activities in cultural institutions and socially non-profit organizations.

Link to the portal https://grants.culture.ru/

Virtual exhibition “The charm of everyday life” (6+)

December 20, 2018

Voronezh Regional Art Museum. I.N. Kramskoy presents a virtual exhibition “The charm of everyday life in the works of small Dutch”. Works from the collection of VOKM them. I.N. Kramskoy.

A significant part of the collection of Western European paintings are works of artists of the Dutch school.
For a large group of artists, the so-called “small Dutch” full of charm and significance seemed the everyday side of life. A close, attentive and caring attitude to all things caused the emergence of genre paintings by T. Heremans, P. Simons, C. Drohslot, landscapes by F. Vouverman, works by A. Blumarth, P. Klas, F. Royan.

The works of the museum collection acquaint with the usual way of life of the country, with the everyday life and holidays of its hardworking people, reveal the depth and uniqueness of the work of the “little Dutchmen” – outstanding artists who created in the 17th century.

Works Vokhm them. I.N. Kramskoy presented at the exhibition in the museum of A.S. Pushkin in Moscow

December 17, 2018

December 13, 2018 in the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin (Moscow) opened the exhibition “The Color of Time in Painting and Graphics by Vladimir Milashevsky. To the 125th anniversary of the artist’s birth. ”

The exhibition project was prepared by three Russian museums storing the largest collections of Milashevsky’s works in their collections: the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin, the State Museum of the History of Russian Literature. IN AND. Dahl and the Voronezh Regional Art Museum. I.N. Kramskoy, who provided for the exhibition 13 works (paintings, drawings) by V. Milashevsky from his own funds.

In total, the exhibition features more than 170 works by Vladimir Milashevsky from different periods – the earliest drawings are marked by the beginning of the 1920s, the last ones – by the mid-1970s. The general public will see a part of the exhibited works for the first time.

Among the guests of honor at the opening of the exhibition were: the head of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications, a book culture researcher, bibliophile – Mikhail Seslavinsky, director of the State Museum L.N. Tolstoy – Sergey Archangels. The opening of the exhibition was led by the director of the State Museum A.S. Pushkin Evgeny Bogatyrev. The curator of the exhibition was the curator of the collection of artists N. Kuzmin and T. Mavrina of the State Museum A.S. Pushkina Alla Rudneva.

The exhibition will run until February 15, 2019.

Animation workshop “Collage”

December 17, 2018

December 16, 2018 in the VOKHM them. I.N. Kramskoy passed another master class of the cycle “Self-Multiplier”.

The participants worked on the creation of a cartoon in the “collage” technique, learned how to combine various materials in one work, and got acquainted with the peculiarities of the panoramic shooting.

The result of the class was a new animated film.

Museum lesson “In the sculptor’s workshop”

December 17, 2018

December 15, 2018 in the VOKHM them. I.N. Kramskoy held a lesson “In the workshop of the sculptor” (for children from 7 and their parents).

At the lesson, participants learned about the secrets of the sculptor’s profession, the tools and materials that the master uses to create sculptures, the differences between planar images from volumetric images and what types of sculptures are.

Traveling through the museum exposition, children in adults became acquainted with the works of sculptural art presented in it, made by Russian and foreign masters in different eras.

In the course of the practical part, the participants tried themselves as real sculptors, creating their own pieces from clay.

Museum staff at the festival “Read-Dumpty”

December 12, 2018

VOHM employees. I.N. Kramskoy took part in the “Read-Dumpty” book festival, which took place in the Voronezh Palace of Children’s and Youth Creativity from December 7 to 9, 2018.

On the second day of the festival, a master class “Think up your story” was held at one of the sites.

Everyone was invited to create an author’s picture using colored pencils on paper based on printed leaves.

VOHM them. I.N. Kramskoy will present his works in the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin (Moscow)

December 10, 2018

Voronezh Regional Art Museum. I.N. Kramskoy became one of the participants of the exhibition dedicated to the work of the artist Vladimir Milashevsky, which will open the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin (Moscow) December 13 this year.

The exhibition project “The Color of Time in Painting and Graphics by Vladimir Milashevsky. On the 125th anniversary of the artist’s birth, he will present the works of three Russian museums that hold the largest collections of Milashevsky’s works in their collections: the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin, the State Museum of Russian Literature IN AND. Dahl and Voronezh Regional Art Museum. I.N. Kramskoy, as well as the work of private collectors.

In total, the Voronezh Art Museum will present 13 works (paintings, drawings) by Vladimir Milashevsky from his own funds.

Visitors to the exhibition will be able to see the works of V. Milashevsky from different periods – the earliest drawings are marked by the beginning of the 1920s, the last – by the mid-1970s. The general public will see a part of the exhibited works for the first time.

Vladimir Milashevsky (1893–1976) – a famous Russian artist, graphic artist, illustrator, memoirist, became famous for his amazing illustrations of Russian and foreign classics, and of A.S. Pushkin and Skate-Gorbunka by P.P. Ershov. On books with his drawings more than one generation has grown. The artist designed about 100 books for children and youth, illustrated dozens of works of the classics of Russian and world literature. At the same time, Vladimir Milashevsky was also an interesting painter, portrait painter, and also one of the organizers and ideological inspirers of the innovative group of young Moscow artists of the late 1920s.

The exhibition will run until February 10, 2019.

Based on the press release.

Master class “Christmas Angel”

December 10, 2018

December 9, 2018 in the VOKHM them. I.N. Kramskoy held a master class on creating Christmas angels, whose participants were children from 8 years old and their parents.

At the master class, under the leadership of ceramist Arkady Chudakov, the participants created angels from clay, endowing each with unique features and details. Created products went to the workshop of A. Chudakov for burning in a special furnace. After processing the product will return to the museum and participants will be able to take their creations home.

The created angels will be a wonderful decoration of a New Year tree or an unusual gift for relatives and friends.

Arkady Chudakov is a Voronezh ceramist who has been engaged in ceramics since the age of 18. He is the head of the studio “ChudoCeramika” and the charity workshop “Blagolepie”. He developed his corporate identity, which he embodied in a series of miracle lamps.

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