June 10, 2021 on the third floor of the main building of the Voronezh Regional Art Museum. I.N. Kramskoy, the exhibition “And again, and again I return to childhood” will begin work.
The exhibition is dedicated to the reflections of artists about childhood as a special period of life that has lasting value for every person. The exposition will bring together more than 30 pictorial and graphic portraits of children, family portraits, everyday scenes, as well as sculptural works from the funds of the VOKhM them. I.N. Kramskoy.
Images of children in the 18th century occupied a modest place in Russian art. In the society of that time, extremely little time was allocated to childhood, and as the main goal of upbringing, they set the child the need to grow up as soon as possible, having mastered all the qualities and parameters of an adult.
The “discovery of childhood” in art is associated with the 19th century. During this period, the storyline includes the child’s world of the child. Painters began to depict not only portraits of children as “little adults”, they strove to understand and convey the individual traits of the portrayed. Along with ceremonial children’s portraits, the artists assigned a special place to the genre genre, and children of the peasant class increasingly became the objects of their artistic interest.
The world of childhood was reflected in the difficult XX century, full of colossal changes, discoveries and upheavals. The artists were interested in appealing to the image of the child in their work. They sought to cover various aspects and manifestations of the topic, to reveal the influence of the socio-historical situation on the child’s world, to show the joys and experiences of children.
* Photo from the archive of VOKHM them. I.N. Kramskoy.
The cost of visiting the exhibition is 100 rubles for all categories of visitors.
Members of the Union of Artists (upon presentation of a certificate) – free of charge.
Photography: mobile devices, camera (without flash) – free of charge.
The exhibition will run until August 01, 2021.
April 28 at the Voronezh Regional Art Museum. I.N. Kramskoy, the vernissage “Goy you, Russia, my dear …” took place.
The exhibition is dedicated to the work of Sergei Yesenin, one of the deepest national poets in Russia. The exposition presents paintings, graphics and sculptures by contemporary artists from the collection of the People’s Museum of Sergei Yesenin in Voronezh. A total of 36 authors and over 100 works. In addition, the exhibition presents the poet’s personal belongings, provided by the partner of the exhibition, the state museum-reserve S.A. Yesenin in the village of Konstantinovo.
The grand opening was attended by: the founder of the People’s Museum of Sergei Yesenin in Voronezh, philanthropist Vladimir Bubnov; Director of the State Museum-Reserve S.A. Yesenin in the village. Konstantinovo Boris Ioganson; Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Honored Worker of Culture Sergey Gulevsky; writer Zakhar Prilepin; People’s Artist of Russia, full member of the Russian Academy of Arts, rector of the Moscow Art Institute named after V.I.Surikov at the Russian Academy of Arts Anatoly Lyubavin; as well as People’s Artist of Russia, artistic director of the Moscow Provincial Theater Sergei Bezrukov.
In his welcoming speech, the director of the VOKhM named after I.N. Kramskoy Olga Ryabchikova spoke about the composition of the exhibition, the history of the collection, the main part of which formed the basis of the exposition. She emphasized the contribution of the State Museum-Reserve S.A. Yesenin in the village of Konstantinovo, who provided the most precious thing for the exhibition – the personal belongings of Sergei Yesenin. The director of the museum expressed her gratitude to the initiator and organizer of the exhibition, Vladimir Bubnov, noting the value of his educational activities.
Boris Ioganson noted in his speech that for him, as a museum employee, it is very important that many wonderful people and organizations work on the “wide Yesenin field”, the result of their work is the preservation and popularization of the heritage of the great poet. In addition, on behalf of the government of the Ryazan region, B. Ioganson presented several honorary guests with high awards – the sign of the governor of the Ryazan region “125 years since the birth of Sergei Yesenin.”
The ideologist of the “Yesenin” plein-airs Sergei Gulevsky shared his memories of the meetings that took place in the poet’s homeland, noting that the interest in Yesenin and his work is becoming more and more every year. He also stressed that it is unlikely that in Russia one can find a collection equal to that presented in the Sergei Yesenin People’s Museum in Voronezh.
Anatoly Lyubavin: “This exhibition is not just pictures, it is a human feat, it is a gift, not only to all of us, but also to Yesenin, it is not just a memory, but a service to humanity.”
The writer Zakhar Prilepin called the real inspirer of the exhibition the very work of Yesenin, which unites and touches to the depths of the soul.
Vladimir Bubnov began his speech with words of gratitude to everyone who participated in the organization of the exhibition, as well as to everyone who has been supporting and inspiring him for many years. Special gratitude was expressed to Sergei Bezrukov, who always finds time and opportunity to participate in the popularization and promotion of Yesenin’s work.
Concluding the official part of the ceremony, Sergei Bezrukov noted the uniqueness of the exhibition, which consists in combining the skill and emotions of the authors of the works with Yesenin’s talent. He also urged everyone to read Yesenin as often and as much as possible.
In the course of the evening, Sergei Bezrukov spoke to the guests with a poetic and musical program dedicated to the work of the great poet.
On April 28, in one of the halls of the main exposition of the museum, the exhibition “New acquisitions in the collection of VOKhM named after I.N. Kramskoy “. The exhibition presents the graphics of one of the brightest representatives of the domestic underground of the late 1960s – early 1990s, Vladimir Viktorovich Loboda. Visitors will see 12 linoleum engravings made by the artist for the work of N.V. Gogol “Sorochinskaya Fair”.
For Vladimir Loboda, art is a process, a search for the movements and experiences of the human soul. The artist is worried about a wide range of human feelings: from high to earthly and even completely down to earth. The nature of the author’s philosophical outlook manifests itself in the fact that in completely mundane scenes he can see both high impulses and ups of the human soul, and notes of falsehood, farce and booth. The interweaving of high and low motivations creates a unique spirit of Human dramas and Human comedies of heroes in the plots on the master’s canvases.
The exhibition will run until May 23.
On April 30, the museum opened the exhibition “To end the war and admire the world.”
The exhibition will feature more than 20 graphic works from the museum collection, created by the artist Nikolai Borisovich Vasilenko, and a documentary fund from the personal archive of the artist’s family.
Monographic exhibition of works by N.B. Vasilenko shows the beauty and subtlety of graphic art. The main tool of the master was the pen, and he created his masterpieces using ordinary ink. Nikolai Vasilenko chose these materials during his school years and remained faithful to them until the end of his life.
The most beautiful places of the Voronezh region are reflected in the works of the master. These are the city streets of Voronezh, and the images of the Don River, and the countryside of the Don region. The artist knew his native land and loved it dearly.
The exhibition will run until June 06.
Matsev Konstantin Yakovlevich
Creation period:
Material, technique:
pencil on paper
The size:
16.5×24.0 cm
Place of creation:
Number in the State Catalog:
KP number (GIK):
Inventory number:
Matsev Konstantin Yakovlevich
Creation period:
Material, technique:
paper, sanguine
The size:
35.0×24.0 cm
Place of creation:
Number in the State Catalog:
KP number (GIK):
Inventory number:
Matsev Konstantin Yakovlevich
Creation period:
Material, technique:
paper, sanguine
The size:
35.0×23.0 cm
Place of creation:
Number in the State Catalog:
KP number (GIK):
Inventory number:
Matsev Konstantin Yakovlevich
Creation period:
Material, technique:
Italian pencil on paper, colored pencil
The size:
36.0×25.5 cm
Place of creation:
Number in the State Catalog:
KP number (GIK):
Inventory number:
Pereplotchikov Vasily Vasilievich
Creation period:
Material, technique:
cardboard, watercolor
The size:
58.0 x 49.0 cm
Place of creation:
Number in the State Catalog:
KP number (GIK):
Inventory number:
Pereplotchikov Vasily Vasilievich
Creation period:
Material, technique:
cardboard, pastel
The size:
45.5×92.0 cm
Place of creation:
Number in the State Catalog:
KP number (GIK):
Inventory number:
Vyacheslav Lebedev
Creation period:
Material, technique:
watercolor on paper
The size:
65.5×83.5 cm
Place of creation:
Number in the State Catalog:
KP number (GIK):
Inventory number:
Sculpture Products-4578