The catalog is dedicated to one of the best collections of ancient Egyptian art in Russia, which is kept in the VOKhM them. I.N. Kramskoy in Voronezh. The core of the collection was formed during the Egyptian expedition of O.F. von Richter, who acquired rarities and wonders on the banks of the Nile exactly two centuries ago. Many documents and facts discovered during the preparation of the anniversary exhibition and the creation of a new Egyptian exposition in the museum will become known to the general public for the first time thanks to this catalog, which will be of interest to both specialists and everyone who is not indifferent to the history and culture of the ancient Egyptian civilization, as well as cultural ties. Russia with the countries of the East.
The book is dedicated to the life and work of the USSR people’s artist M.I. Likhachev.
“Masterpieces of Museum Collections” catalog of the exhibition “Graphics of Russian and Western European Artists of the 18th – early 20th centuries from the collection of the Voronezh Regional Art Museum. I.N. Kramskoy “, which took place from April 16 to June 19, 2016.
The exhibition includes 110 works – etchings, prints, drawings and watercolors, both by Russian and Western European artists. Peter’s engravings of the early 18th century by A. Shkhonebek, P. Picart, Russian engravers brothers Ivan and Alexei Zubov, drawings by I.N. Kramskoy and K.Z. Kavtaradze, watercolors by S. Pavlov, V.I. Hau, A.I. Klinder, A.P. Bogolyubov, Vladimir and Konstantin Makovsky, V. A. Serov and other artists. Most of the works were exhibited for the first time.
Text writers: Anastasia Vinokurova, Vladimir Dobromirov, Margarita Luneva, Elizaveta Novikova, Yulia Petrova, Inna Savenkova.
Editor: Elizaveta Novikova
Literary editor: Sofia Bagdasarova
Design, layout, image processing – Taras Bocharov
Proofreader: Ekaterina Lebedeva
October 15, 2020 at the Voronezh Regional Art Museum. I.N. Kramskoy opened two exhibitions dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of I.A. Bunin.
Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is closely connected with the artistic life of Russia. He communicated with contemporary artists – Peter Nilus, Eugene Bukovetsky, Isaac Levitan. The creative ideals of the masters were very consonant: as if the masters of the brush were picking up the motives started by the master of the word.
Exhibition “Through the Bunin Word. Painting, Graphics, Sculpture ” brought together more than 100 works of contemporary painters, graphic artists, sculptors from 10 cities of Russia: Belgorod, Voronezh, Kursk, Lipetsk, Yelets, Moscow, Orel, Ostrogozhsk, St. Petersburg, Tambov.
At the exhibition “Painting of the Word. How to say about all this beauty ” presents more than 40 exhibits from the collections of VOKhM them. I.N. Kramskoy and Oryol United Literary Museum. I.S. Turgenev (painting, graphics, books).
The wide variety of themes and genres of the exhibited works is based on the work of the great Russian writer, which continues to inspire today to create, to discover and cognize the beauty of the surrounding world.
Among the first visitors were the artists and sculptors from Voronezh and Kursk – the authors of the works presented at the exhibition “Through the Bunin’s Word”. Among them: Mikhail and Alexander Zolotykh, Natalya Parshina, Elena Zvereva, Dmitry Savinkov, Evgeny Shcheglov, Anatoly Gorlishchev, Maxim Anikandrov, Vladimir and Elena Petrikhin, Olga Dmitrienko, Irina Berlizeva and others. All authors received a gift catalog of the exhibition, published specifically for the opening.
The exhibitions will run until November 8.
On October 25, the Kramskoy art Museum invites everyone (from 16 years old) to a master class of the ceramist Arkady Chudakov on creating a candle in the shape of an owl.
At the master class, each participant will create their own author’s product. Experience with clay is optional. After the lesson, all products will be burned by the master in a special oven.
The master class starts at 12.00. Duration – 120 minutes.
Participation fee: 450 rubles (350 + 100 entrance ticket)
Record by phone 8 (473) 255-50-81.
The number of participants is limited!
Arkady Cranks – Voronezh ceramist, head of the Studio “Codatronca” charity workshop “Splendor”. The master has been engaged in ceramics for more than 20 years and during this time has developed his own corporate style, embodied in a series of “miracle lamps”.
October 18 VOKHM them. I.N. Kramskoy invites everyone (over 16 years old) to the master class by Lyudmila Kashirskikh “Golden Autumn”.
The master will share the secrets of working with wool, and the participants will be able to gradually apply the knowledge gained when creating a “woolen” picture, in the technique of overlaying wool layers one on top of another.
All works of authorship will be framed during the lesson. Participants will be able to take the finished paintings home.
The beginning of the lesson is at 12.00. Duration – 90 minutes.
Participation fee: 400 rubles (300 + 100 entrance ticket to the museum).
Registration for the master class will begin on October 4. Call by phone: 8 (473) 255-50-81.
Limited number of seats.
Lyudmila Kashirskikh is a participant of the exhibitions “Breath of Spring” in Voronezh, “The Magic of Felting” in Belgorod, “ArtRostov” in Rostov-on-Don and others. Winner of the regional exhibition-competition DPT “Inexhaustible source of inspiration” (2010), the owner of many certificates of honor and gratitude. Teacher at MBUK CKS Club “Shady”.
The 150th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, writer, poet, Nobel Prize laureate in literature, is timed to coincide with the exhibition “How to say about all this beauty” prepared by the Voronezh Regional Art Museum named after I.N. Kramskoy together with the Oryol United Literary Museum. I.S. Turgenev.
The exhibition will open on October 15, 2020.
Bunin the writer combined freshness of perception with amazing observation and a rich imagination. The “picturesqueness” of Bunin’s artistic language was noted by his contemporaries, Z. Gippius called him “the king of pictorial art” who knew no equal. The ability to see and feel color brings Bunin closer to such colorists as K. Korovin, I. Levitan. Throughout his life I. Bunin communicated a lot with artists, friendly relations tied him with P. Nilus, E. Bukovetskiy, I. Levitan. The artist of Russian origin T. Muravyova-Loginova left her memories of the meetings with the Bunins in France. The artist handed over her illustrations to these memories to the Oryol Literary Museum. I.S. Turgenev, who provided original drawings for display.
The exhibition reveals the originality of Bunin the artist through the presentation of “picturesque” parallels. The exposition of the exhibition is based not on direct analogies of paintings and literary texts, but on rhythmic, figurative, stylistic consonances. The exhibition presents paintings and graphic works by P. Nilus, I. Levitan, L. Turzhansky, F. Malyavin, V. Vasnetsov, stored in the collection of the Voronezh Art Museum. I.N. Kramskoy. A special section of the exhibition consists of lifetime editions of the writer’s works, provided by the Zonal Scientific Library of Voronezh State University and the Voronezh Regional Universal Scientific Library named after V.I. I.S. Nikitin.
The exposition will include over 40 exhibits.
The cost of visiting the exhibition is 100 rubles for all categories of visitors.
Members of the Union of Artists (upon presentation of a certificate) – free.
Photography: mobile devices, camera (without flash) – free of charge.
The exhibition will run until November 08, 2020.
October 31 VOKHM them. I.N. Kramskoy invites you to a museum lesson “Flower Boom”.
Participants are persons aged 16 and over.
Watercolor doesn’t have to be the most difficult material!
During the lesson, participants will work with stains and splashes of watercolors, learn to create interesting painterly effects. And with the help of a minimal amount of details created by a gel pen – turn them into flowers. In addition, learn the watercolor exercises to help you explore the possibilities of colors and their mixing.
All materials are provided by the museum. You can take your finished work with you.
The beginning of the lesson is at 14.00. Duration 90 minutes.
Lesson cost: 400 rubles (200 rubles – lesson + 200 rubles entrance ticket to the museum).
Recording will begin on October 3rd. Phone number for appointment: 8 (473) 255-50-81. Limited number of seats.
The lesson is led by Olga Remez, a senior researcher at the museum. Artist, teacher. Graduated from the Voronezh Art School (technical school). He is fluent in various graphic and painting techniques. An active participant in exhibitions, creative competitions and plein airs.