October 15, 2020 at the Voronezh Regional Art Museum. I.N. Kramskoy opened two exhibitions dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of I.A. Bunin.
Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is closely connected with the artistic life of Russia. He communicated with contemporary artists – Peter Nilus, Eugene Bukovetsky, Isaac Levitan. The creative ideals of the masters were very consonant: as if the masters of the brush were picking up the motives started by the master of the word.
Exhibition “Through the Bunin Word. Painting, Graphics, Sculpture ” brought together more than 100 works of contemporary painters, graphic artists, sculptors from 10 cities of Russia: Belgorod, Voronezh, Kursk, Lipetsk, Yelets, Moscow, Orel, Ostrogozhsk, St. Petersburg, Tambov.
At the exhibition “Painting of the Word. How to say about all this beauty ” presents more than 40 exhibits from the collections of VOKhM them. I.N. Kramskoy and Oryol United Literary Museum. I.S. Turgenev (painting, graphics, books).
The wide variety of themes and genres of the exhibited works is based on the work of the great Russian writer, which continues to inspire today to create, to discover and cognize the beauty of the surrounding world.
Among the first visitors were the artists and sculptors from Voronezh and Kursk – the authors of the works presented at the exhibition “Through the Bunin’s Word”. Among them: Mikhail and Alexander Zolotykh, Natalya Parshina, Elena Zvereva, Dmitry Savinkov, Evgeny Shcheglov, Anatoly Gorlishchev, Maxim Anikandrov, Vladimir and Elena Petrikhin, Olga Dmitrienko, Irina Berlizeva and others. All authors received a gift catalog of the exhibition, published specifically for the opening.
The exhibitions will run until November 8.