
Arkhipov Abram Efimovich


27.08.1862 – 25.09.1930 

August 27, 2017 marks 155 years since the birth of the artist Abram Arkhipov.

Abram Efimovich Arkhipov is called the singer of the Russian village, his picturesque style, close to impressionism, especially poetically conveys the artist’s love for ordinary people – the heroes of his paintings. He was born in the Ryazan province in a peasant family, so this topic was close to him and familiar to sonship. Parents encouraged the boy’s interest in drawing and even, having saved up money, sent his son to Moscow in the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.

Abram Arkhipov was extraordinarily lucky with the teachers – he studied under the direction of V.G. Perova, V.D. Polenova and I.M. Pryanishnikov. The young man took a lot from his mentors, showing himself in his early works as an artist-genre painter.

In the early 1900s, Abram Arkhipov made a trip to the north, in his paintings appear to the audience stately landscapes, executed in restrained tones, but despite the severity of the color scale, the color of his works is solemn and resonant.

In the 1920s, the artist creates a series of peasant typical portraits: “Peasant Ryazan province”, “Girl with a jug,” etc. The canvases depicts cheerful, strong and beautiful people, the works are characterized by generality and monumentality. The master uses wide thick brush strokes, bright joyful colors, the pictures are full of life-affirming energy.

A lot of effort and time the painter gave the teaching activity, which he began in 1894 in the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.

Died A. E. Arkhipov in 1930.

A.E. Arkhipov
© VOKhM im. I.N. Kramskoy