On December 1, the museum will reopen the exhibition “Dilapidated. Eternal” (12+).
The project is carried out within the framework of the “Days of Israel in Voronezh”.
The exhibition “Dilapidated. Eternal” is an educational project that demonstrates paintings and graphic works of the XVI-XX centuries illustrating the subjects of the Old Testament from the collection of the Voronezh Regional Art Museum named after I.N. Kramskoy. The exhibition presents about 30 reproduction engravings by leading engravers of Italy, France, England of the XVII-XX centuries, made according to the famous works of Raphael, Bassano, Artemisia Gentileschi, Rubens, Rembrandt, Angelica Kaufman, as well as authentic paintings by masters of the Dutch and Dutch schools of the XVI-XVII centuries.
The events of the Old Testament served as a source of inspiration for many painters. Unlike the subjects of the New Testament, they were less represented in the iconographic tradition, and their illustration required more work of the artist’s imagination. In addition to book illustrations for the Eternal Book, albums of engravings, suites and cycles of easel works devoted to individual biblical themes were also published in the XVI – XVIII centuries, so the sizes of the works presented at the exhibition are very different – from small book illustrations of “small masters” of the middle of the XVI century to large-format sheets.
The concept of the exhibition combines several thematic blocks, in particular, the exposition of the hall will be arranged in a chronological sequence of images of the plots of the Old Testament books and will acquaint the viewer with how the biblical texts were interpreted by artists of different schools and trends. The Old Testament plots embodied in the paintings and graphic works of Western European masters of the XVI-XIX centuries are revealed in comparison with poetic tests: from the classics of the golden age of Russian literature (A.S. Pushkin epigram “Singer David was small in stature…” 1824,) to poets and writers of the Silver Age, in particular A. A. Akhmatova (“Judith” 1922, “Lot’s Wife”, 1924), M. I. Tsvetaeva (“And Moses swam himself in a basket…” 1916), I. A. Bunina (“Sabaoth, 1908), etc.
After a technical break, the exhibition will open on the second floor of the exhibition hall. The current dates of the exhibition: December 1 – January 15, 2023.
Ticket price:
Entrance ticket – 200 rubles.
Discounted ticket (schoolchildren, pensioners, students) – 100 rubles.
Members of the Union of Artists (upon presentation of a certificate) – free of charge.
Photography: mobile devices, camera (without flash) – free of charge.
Guided tours of the exhibition will be conducted by appointment: +7 (473) 255-50-81.