
Старт приема заявок на грантовый конкурс


We have started accepting applications for a competition for projects in the field of culture, art and creative industries.
On June 15, the acceptance of applications for the first competition for the provision of grants from the President of the Russian Federation for the implementation of projects in the field of culture, art and creative (creative) industries began. The deadline for accepting applications is July 30, 2021. The competition is open to non-governmental non-profit organizations (public associations, ANOs, foundations, associations and others), municipal institutions (including libraries, museums, theaters, houses of culture, circles), as well as commercial organizations and even individual entrepreneurs.

3.5 billion rubles will be distributed among the participants of the competition, which are allocated to the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives by its founder – the Presidential Grants Fund.
It is possible to submit initiatives in the field of culture and academic (classical) art, projects to identify and support young talents in the field of culture, art and creative industries, cultural festivals, awards and forums, start-ups in the field of culture, art and creative industries.

You can familiarize yourself with the competition documents, as well as submit an application for participation, on the website