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Lecture "All of her is a gift and labor: Natalia Goncharova"


On July 10, at 15.00, the museum invites you to a lecture “All of her is a gift and labor: Natalia Goncharova”.

“All Goncharova in a nutshell: gift and work. The gift of labor. The labor of the gift, ”wrote Marina Tsvetaeva about the artist.
It was the gift and work that allowed Natalya Sergeevna Goncharova to become a sought-after artist of her time and leave a bright mark in the history of domestic and foreign art.

The amazon of the Russian avant-garde, the suffragette of Russian painting – Goncharova, through her passion for modern artistic trends, developed her own formula for creativity, the components of which were: surprisingly bold beauty of tonal combinations, artistic refinement in form distortions, a different vision of the category of beauty, an appeal to the art of the past.

The lecture will be devoted to the life and work of this amazing woman. The lecturer will be the museum’s guide Nadezhda Malysheva.

The cost is 150 rubles. Registration is required by phone: 8 (473) 255-50-81.

* In the photo of the work of N.S. Goncharova presented at the exhibition “Jack of Diamonds. Emanations of isms “, which opened in VOKhM them. I.N. Kramskoy at the XI Platonov Festival of Arts.