April 3, 2021 at the Voronezh Regional Art Museum. I.N. Kramskoy held a creative meeting with artists – participants of the exhibition “On the shores of the Voronezh Sea”: Sergei Gorshkov, Yuri Astapchenko, Mikhail Viktorov, Igor Petropavlovsky, Alexander Lavrov. In addition, the meeting was attended by the wives of artists Alexander Voronin, Alexander Nozhkin, Vitaly Kuleshov, Alexander Starilov, who have not survived to this day.
All participants and their relatives expressed a unanimous opinion – the exhibition was a success, as evidenced by the large number of visitors to the exposition, their numerous enthusiastic reviews. Many grateful words were said to the address of the museum and its employees, who worked as a united team to create such a complex and such a bright project.
During the meeting, the authors shared their memories of the time of the 1980s-1990s, answered questions from the audience and held a ceremony of donating their works to the museum. The works of the authors who have passed away were donated by their relatives. Each donor presented a work that, after the end of the exhibition, will enter the museum collection, thereby filling the gaps in the presentation of the artistic life of this turbulent time. The donated works were marked with special labels “Donated to the Museum”.
The final chord of the meeting was a photo session against the background of a wall with images of all the authors of the exhibition.