
Catalog of the exhibition “Alexander Ivanovich Klyunder. Russian chamber portrait "


Title: Alexander Ivanovich Klyunder. Russian chamber portrait
Publisher: State Museum of A.S. Pushkin
Place of publication: Moscow
Year of publication: 2017

The author of the project idea: A.V. Kibovsky, candidate of historical sciences
Project manager: E.A. Bogatyrev, candidate of cultural studies
Project curator: E.I. Potemkina, candidate of philological sciences
Editor: E.A. Usova
Compiled by A.M. Valkovich, A.G. Volkhovskaya, T.G. Dmitrieva
Edition design and layout: N.V. Lezhnina
Implementation of the exhibition project: MuseumMedia LLC

The catalog of the exhibition dedicated to the work of Alexander Ivanovich Klyunder, artist, academician-portraitist, creator of the famous portrait gallery of A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov. The exhibition project continues the cycle of exhibitions and catalogs of the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin, telling about the masters of intimate watercolor portraiture of the first half of the 19th century.