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The author's series of lectures «Palette of Faust»


VOHM them. I.N. Kramskoy invites to the author’s series of lectures of the museum senior scientist V.А. Shakin’s “Palette of Faust”, dedicated to the history of foreign art of the XIII-XVII centuries.

February 16
Hieronymus bosch: satire everyday
Beginning at 15.00 hours.

The lecture will look at the life and work of the Dutch artist Jerome Bosch.
The phantasmagoric images, the deep originality and mystery of the artistic language of Bosch – the rebus, not solved yet. The great successor of the traditions of Flemish painting was a special way in art. Plots, surprising wit contemporaries and connoisseurs, with the centuries it became more mysterious and foggy. Epochs and social tastes are changing, new names appear on the art Olympus, but the fantastic world of Hieronymus Bosch still remains a matter of art, to which there is no definitive answer.

March 16
Pieter Bruegel: Life, Creativity and Time
Beginning at 15.00 hours.

The 16th century is a turbulent era in the history of Europe: a bloody, frightening, turning point of the century. The art of Peter Bruegel the Elder revives old Flemish painting, giving her new life and fresh pulsating blood. The artist for the simplicity of the brush and the image, nicknamed the “peasant”, managed, like no other, to embody the soul of his own people with colors. Rough types of Flemish everyday life here side by side with the universal scale of what is happening, and the reverent display of native nature, with thoughts about the fate of the fatherland on the eve of the Netherlands bourgeois revolution.

April 13
In Search of Lost Harmony: Pontormo, Fiorentino, Parmigianino
Beginning at 15.00 hours.

XVI century in the history of the Italian Renaissance – a difficult century. The art of cinquecento knows not only the dawn of Renaissance painting, but also the painful search for new graphic forms in an attempt to overcome the artistic and ideological crisis of the century. The lecture deals with the art of Mannerism and its outstanding representatives – the younger contemporaries of the “Titans of the Renaissance”: Jacopo Pontormo, Rosso Fiorentino and Francesco Parmigianino. Artists who can be safely called the “avant-garde artists” of the XVI century.

May 19
El Greco: Crete, Venice, Toledo
Beginning at 15.00 hours.

Domenikos Theotokopoulos, nicknamed El Greco, the last of the titans of the Renaissance. A native of the island of Crete, the heir to the iconographic traditions and a humanistically educated person, El Greco, created his own artistic language. Byzantine spirituality is side by side with the delights of Venetian colorism, and the exaltation of Roman mannerism with genuine Spanish affectation. The art of El Greco burst into the Spanish artistic tradition swiftly and powerfully, it turned out to be only a bright flash and quickly forgotten. The artist, who did not leave worthy followers in his lifetime, gained them, influencing Delacroix, Manet, Cezanne, Picasso, Jackson Pollack.

September 14
Spanish medieval painting XIV-XV centuries.
Beginning at 15.00 hours.

The lecture will consider the features of Spanish late medieval painting and its most characteristic representatives, as well as the sociocultural and historical trends that have shaped the unique look of the local art school.

October 12
Russian and Western European artists about Venice and Venetian painters
Beginning at 15.00 hours.

The lecture will consider the judgments of Russian and Western European painters and theorists of art of the XVI-XX centuries. about the merits, significance and role of Venetian painting traditions in the context of the development of European art.

November 30th
French primitives: altar painting and book graphics XIV-XVvekov
Beginning at 15.00 hours.

The lecture highlights the work of French artists of the late Middle Ages, the history of the formation, influence and significance of French art XIV-XV centuries.

December 14
Between Giotto and Duccio: Dante’s Italian Paintings
Beginning at 15.00 hours.

The lecture will cover the 14th century Italian painting: its history, origins, schools, and the most prominent representatives.

Entrance to the lecture on the entrance ticket to the museum – 100 rubles.
Lectures will be recorded two weeks before the event. Telephone for recording: 255-50-81.