In the framework of the exhibition project “People and things. On the 100th anniversary of the VSU ”on October 11 in the VOKM them. I.N. Kramsky held a lecture “N.V. Valukinsky and its archaeological research. ”
The lecture was read by the candidate of historical sciences, the director of the Kostenki museum-reserve – Viktor Nikolaevich Kovalevsky.
The next lecture will be held October 18 at 18.30 hours.
The topic of the lecture is “Rare publications in the library of the Voronezh State University” (16+).
Lecturer: library scientist, bibliologist, teacher, head of the rare books department of the regional library of the Voronezh State University – Galina Lantsuzanskaya.
Record by phone: 255-38-67.
The cost of an adult ticket to a lecture is 100 rubles.
Entrance for students – free (upon presentation of student card).
A complete list of educational activities of the program