
Golovin Alexander Yakovlevich


1.03.1863 – 17.04.1930

Alexander was born in the family of a priest in Moscow, in 1881 he entered the architectural Department of the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture, but soon realized that his architecture was not inspiring and transferred to the painting Department. During the training period Golovin met Levitan, Korovin, Nesterov and Vrubel.

Immediately after graduating from College, the artist got a job as an apprentice at the decorator A. Tomashki, where he was engaged in painting flowers on satin to order. In 1889 he went to Paris to the world exhibition, where he conquered the newest French painting.

Since 1898, Golovin began studying the art of decorating. He designed performances for the Bolshoi theatre in Moscow, held the position of chief decorator in the Imperial theaters, and was also a consultant to the Directorate of artistic Affairs. In addition, the master invented sketches of costumes and scenery for operas, participated in the exhibition “World of art”, and later became a member of the Association and one of the employees of the magazine “World of Art”. In 1903 Alexander Yakovlevich joined the Union of Russian artists.

Theatrical landscapes of the artist are so realistic that you unwittingly become a participant in the performance.

Golovin’s works are characterized by the desire for the integrity of the artistic image of the play, and the sketches of scenery, costumes, props are sharpened in every detail. In 1927 at the arts theatre with the resounding success of the premiere performance. In 1928, the artist was awarded the title of “people’s artist of the RSFSR.”

Alexander Yakovlevich died on April 17, 1930 and remained known as the author of numerous portraits of actors, in particular Chaliapin, Meyerhold, Stanislavsky, Yuriev, Petrov and many others.

Creativity A. ya. Golovin – one of the brightest and most substantial pages in the history of Russian art of the beginning of XX century, and his heritage was attached to the Golden Fund of Soviet culture. In addition to his wonderful paintings, A. Golovin has left an interesting book of memories: “Meeting and impressions”. In it he tells Chistyakov, Polenov, Serov, Vrubel, Nesterov and many other great masters of art.

A. Ya. Golovin
chestnuts in bloom
© VOKhM im. I.N. Kramskoy