
Opening of the exhibition "Orthodox architecture in the works of Voronezh artists"


October 5 at 14.00 in the exhibition hall of the Voronezh Regional Art Museum. I.N. The solemn opening of the exhibition “ORTHODOX ARCHITECTURE IN THE CREATIVITY OF VORONEZH ARTISTS” was held in Kramskoye.

The organizers of the exhibition were: Voronezh Diocese, Voronezh Regional Art Museum. I.N. Kramskoye, Voronezh Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Movement “For Faith and the Fatherland”, Voronezh Art College.

The exhibition consisted of more than 100 works, among which there are works performed in various techniques (painting, graphics, enamel, batik). The works convey the beauty of God’s Temples, the picturesqueness of the places in which they are located.

Among the participants of the exhibition are famous Voronezh artists, as well as students of the Voronezh Art College, teachers of the Design Department of the VGASU, as well as the work of the oldest masters of the Voronezh School of Painting from the funds of the art museum: Vasily Krivoruchko, Fedor Zvonarev, Nikolai Tulupov, Andrey Bogachev.

The opening of the exhibition began with an introductory speech by the director of the VOKHM named after V.Ya. I.N. Kramskoy – Vladimir Dobromirov. He greeted all those present, noted the unusualness of the exhibition presented, consisting in the neighborhood of a variety of works, showing interest in the temple and Russian Orthodox culture.

With a salutatory word, the secretary of the Voronezh diocese, archpriest Andrey Skakalin addressed the audience. He conveyed the welcome and parting words of Metropolitan Voronezh and Liskinsky Sergiy, expressed gratitude to the creators and participants of the exhibition.

Among the speakers were: Head of the Department of Professional Art and Art Education of the Department of Culture of the Voronezh Region – Alena Sergeeva, Director of the Voronezh Art School – Sergei Petrovich Gulevsky and Associate Professor of the Design Department of the VGASU – Evgeny Mikhailovich Barsukov. Each of the speakers noted the importance and importance of the exhibition for modern society, emphasizing the contribution of the Russian Orthodox Church to the development of the national culture.

The work of the exhibition will be accompanied by the broadcast of documentary films from the series “To the Holy Places”, telling about the churches of Voronezh and the Voronezh region.