
The museum held a creative meeting with social photographer Eric Wazzoler


5 April in VOHM them. In. Kramskoy had a creative meeting with French social photographer and teacher Eric Vazzoler. He will meet with the Voronezh photographers who will share their experiences in social photography and in teaching, and also talked about the trends in the development of documentary photography in modern Europe.
Eric Vazzoler was born in 1963 near Paris. Professionally photographed since 1986. In addition to his numerous projects related to young people in difficult life situations, he is a photographer of a press Agency in Stuttgart (Germany), and collaborates with a number of magazine publishers. He considers the photographic act approach, useful for the socialization of visually impaired and blind. In an era when the act of photography among young people is reduced to narcissistic tendencies (selfies), according to Eric, it is very important to encourage these young people to look at others! This is the dynamics / Foundation that can lead them to greater socialization in the real world.